videoART - Instalacje Multimedialne
Szczecin European Film Festival 2014: 01.10.2014, Środa, 18:00
Piwnica Kany, Plac Piotra i Pawła 4/5 (Gdzie to jest?)
Blok tematyczny: Granice Kina 18
- Tundra
- Untitled (White Sands, New Mexico)16' 50''
Untitled (White Sands, New Mexico)Production: 2013
Shot in White Sands New Mexico, I walk in a giant circle through a sand storm as the camera slowly pans with me, creating an endless loop within a undefined field.
- William Lamson
William Lamson is an interdisciplinary artist whose diverse practice involves working with elemental forces to create durational performative actions. Set in landscapes as varied as New York’s East River and Chile’s Atacama Desert, his projects reveal the invisible systems and forces at play within these sites. In all of his projects, Lamson’s work represents a performative gesture, a collaboration with forces outside of his control to explore systems of knowledge and belief. Lamson’s work has been exhibited widely in the United States and Europe, including the Brooklyn Musuem, The Moscow Biennial, P.S.1. MOMA, Kunsthalle Erfurt, the Musuem of Contemporary Art, Denver, and Honor Fraser Gallery in Los Angeles. In addition he has produced site specific installations for the Indianapolis Musuem of Art, the Center For Land Use Interpretation, and Storm King Art Center. His work is in the collections of the Brooklyn Museum, the Dallas Museum of Art, the Indianapolis Musuem of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and a number of private collections. He has been awarded grants from the Shifting Foundation, the Experimental Television Center, and most recently he is 2014 Guggenheim Fellow. His work has appeared in ArtForum, Frieze, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the New Yorker, Harpers, and the Village Voice. William Lamson was born Arlington, Virginia and lives in Brooklyn, New York. He earned his MFA from Bard College, and he teaches in the Parsons MFA photography program. He is represented by Anita Beckers Gallery in Frankfurt, and Pierogi in Brooklyn.
czytaj więcej - Antoni Karwowski
Artysta intermedialny, autor i organizator wielu międzynarodowych projektów artystycznych.Od 1977 roku związany z nurtem performance.Aktualnie jako artysta i kurator współpracuje z miejscem sztuki OFFicyna w Szczecinie.Podczas tegorocznej edycji międzynarodowego przeglądu sztuki wideo pokazujemy ponad 70 filmów 37 artystów z 25 krajów. Jest to szeroka panorama wyselekcjonowanych prac obejmująca min.: video instalacje, looping, fund footage, mock-documentary, animacje, eksperymenty audio video.Poza produkcjami dojrzałych artystów, z ogromnym dorobkiem, świadomie przekraczających granice sztuki prezentujemy także wyróżniające się prace młodych, eksperymentujących twórców.czytaj więcej
Mapka dojazdu:
Program na 01.10.2014
- 11:00 - 11:30, Brama Jazz Cafe, Media Corner
- 12:00 - 14:00, Sala konferencyjna OBEP IPN w Szczecinie, IPN na SEFF
- 15:00 - 17:00, Kino Zamek, Pomerania Film na SEFF
- 18:00 - 20:00, Kino Zamek, Kino Zamek na SEFF
- 18:00 - 19:30, Multikino Galaxy, Przekraczanie Granic
- 18:00 - 19:30, Piwnica Kany, videoART - Instalacje Multimedialne
- 20:00 - 23:00, Multikino Galaxy, Retrospektywa – Walter Ruttmann
- 21:00 - 01:00, Český film, Český film: Kino faktu według …, Ben Affleck , Steven Spielberg