European Competition - block II
Szczecin European Film Festival 2018: 27.10.2018, Saturday, 15:00
Kino Zamek, Korsarzy 34 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: European Competition '18
This year’s European Competition, which is yet again marked by the bar set very high, will feature 24 productions by filmmakers from 17 countries. The films were all finished between 2017 and 2018. The films’ diverse themes reflect the multi-layered issues of today’s world. All of the titles deserve attention. They are unique, bold in their content, and often cross the boundaries of classic documentary cinema. As always, screenings of the competition films will be followed by discussions with their authors, which is a constant element of the festival. A direct meeting between viewer and director is always an intellectually stimulating experience. The competition includes four German and French films, three productions from Poland, two from Spain, Belgium, Latvia, Austria, and the UK as well as one from Italy, and Iceland. There will also be a co-production, which includes Mexico, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Cyprus, Serbia, and China.
- Carlotta's Face5’
As a child Carlotta didn’t expect the people around her to have faces. She even doesn’t recognize her own face. Years later she learns about a rare untreatable deficit of her brain. It was art after all that offered her a way to finally recognize herself.
- Snow White19’40’’
What role can culture play, when dead bodies are not burried after death, but being used for other purposes? “Snow White“ examines this question, using Stalinist mausoleums, preparated animals in natural history museums and relics in churches. What form of story telling is being used to hide actions and translate them?
- SYNAPTé7’41’’
SYNAPTé is a part of the project TRAGEN.HZ, an oratorio “erasure” for projected environment composed of voices collected at the camp of Calais. Bitter, a voice: dismantling of vocal articulations, dismantling of the communities living in the camp. Groans of the oracle, a lamentation in search of consolation, primal voice altered, voice of the verdict that strikes through and reveals and reconstitutes these images, as a testimony of this long history of migration and war.
- Young & Beautiful72’
“Young & Beautiful” is the polyhedric portrait of a generation accused of not wanting to grow-up; a generation which has been cornered to accept a hopeless world and a country in crisis, in which it has been announced that the one way to survive is to abandon dreams.
how to get there
- 10:00 - 15:00, Akademia Sztuki, SEFF FILM FORUM BAŁTYK – FilmNet
- 11:00 - 13:00, Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, SEFF MINI Stop-motion animation workshops vol. 2
- 14:00 - 16:00, Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, SEFF MINI Stop-motion animation workshops vol. 3
- 15:00 - 17:00, Kino Zamek, European Competition - block II
- 17:00 - 19:00, Akademia Sztuki, SEFF MINI Storyboard workshop
- 17:30 - 19:30, Kino Zamek, European Competition - block III
- 20:00 - 22:00, Radio Szczecin, Crossing The Boundaries - Tomasz Raczek & Bartosz Wójcik
- 23:00, Český film, CHILLOUT ZONE - director's night with Stanley Kubrick vol.4