European Competition - block III
Szczecin European Film Festival 2018: 27.10.2018, Saturday, 17:30
Kino Zamek, Korsarzy 34 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: European Competition '18
This year’s European Competition, which is yet again marked by the bar set very high, will feature 24 productions by filmmakers from 17 countries. The films were all finished between 2017 and 2018. The films’ diverse themes reflect the multi-layered issues of today’s world. All of the titles deserve attention. They are unique, bold in their content, and often cross the boundaries of classic documentary cinema. As always, screenings of the competition films will be followed by discussions with their authors, which is a constant element of the festival. A direct meeting between viewer and director is always an intellectually stimulating experience. The competition includes four German and French films, three productions from Poland, two from Spain, Belgium, Latvia, Austria, and the UK as well as one from Italy, and Iceland. There will also be a co-production, which includes Mexico, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Cyprus, Serbia, and China.
- Elsewhere30’
The film portrays eight men who are serving long prison sentences and attempts to show a differentiated image of the inmates. Centered on full frontal views and direct eye contact with the camera, the men talk about their lives in physical and visual isolation. Animations, conceived of by the inmates themselves, form a second level of the film. The animations depict remote and utopic places as well as the very realistic social backgrounds of the protagonists.
- Gold in the Ashes24’
A former employee returns repeatedly to the abandoned factory he worked in for years. As we watch him go through his strange ritual in the work clothes he used to wear, we follow him down the labyrinthine path of his memories.
- Opera About Poland43’
Pole, who are you? This film collage that combines archival and contemporary materials, documentary and staged pictures, press reports, social announcements, sale offers and speech excerpts is an attempt to answer this question. Referring to the Polish tradition of a creative documentary in the style of Wojciech Wiszniewski, the film presents various manifestations of Polishness: patriotic and religious rituals, everyday traditions as well as characteristic landscapes or intimate memories from childhood.
- The prisoner / Więzień40'
POL, GBR 1990, 40'
A documentary impression on Jurek Orłowski – a draughtsman-amateur with no hands. We are observing him in his prison cell, doing time for theft, and after he gets out of prison. For him, each and every little everyday activity is a fight for fitness and dignity.
Source: filmpolski.plAuthors:
how to get there
- 10:00 - 15:00, Akademia Sztuki, SEFF FILM FORUM BAŁTYK – FilmNet
- 11:00 - 13:00, Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, SEFF MINI Stop-motion animation workshops vol. 2
- 14:00 - 16:00, Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, SEFF MINI Stop-motion animation workshops vol. 3
- 15:00 - 17:00, Kino Zamek, European Competition - block II
- 17:00 - 19:00, Akademia Sztuki, SEFF MINI Storyboard workshop
- 17:30 - 19:30, Kino Zamek, European Competition - block III
- 20:00 - 22:00, Radio Szczecin, Crossing The Boundaries - Tomasz Raczek & Bartosz Wójcik
- 23:00, Český film, CHILLOUT ZONE - director's night with Stanley Kubrick vol.4