The Faces of Westpomeranian Cinema: Włodzimierz Kaczmarek
dokumentART 2013: 20.10.2013, Sunday, 12:00
Radio Szczecin, Aleja Wojska Polskiego 73 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny:
The Faces of Westpomeranian Cinema is a young – taking place for the third time now – but very important section on the list of events that accompany the European Film Festival for Documentaries dokumentART. As its previous installments, it aims to showcase and promote the most prominent filmmakers associated with our voivodeship. Not just directors, but also screenwriters, cameramen, producers, sound engineers – people, without whom the production of a full-fledged motion picture would be impossible. This year, we would like to present works produced by Włodzimierz Kaczmarek.
- An account of not just the meeting - Goleniów14'
Material recorded during a Goleniów residents' council meeting in the early 80s. A film about city life then, and the problems associated with it.
read moreAuthors:
- Alliance18'
The military training ground in Drawsko – as well as other such training grounds, e.g. in Lower Silesia – span thousands of hectares of forests and lakes. One can assume that the life of plants and animals are at risk. Observations prove, however, that the training grounds' regulations enable wildlife growth.
read moreAuthors:
- Roman Węgrzyn - homeless12'
A reportage about Roman Węgrzyn – representative of the homeless during the People's Republic of Poland era, a time that was supposedly homeless-free.
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- Underwater deserts18'
Kiedyś mówiło się, że życie zwierząt w jeziorach, stawach i niektórych rzekach jest ograniczane przez zarastającą roślinność. W ostatnich latach nastąpiła degradacja wielu zbiorników wodnych, wynikająca albo z rabunkowej gospodarki wielu tzw. dzierżawców jezior, albo z trwającego od lat kłusownictwa. Cel programu: uzmysłowić społeczeństwu, w jaki sposób degraduje się bezkarnie przyrodę niszcząc jeziora i rzeki, co oznacza dla naszej przyszłości taka degradacja.
read moreAuthors:
- Cavemen18'
- Ambitions and aspirations - Ensign17'
The story of Ensign Szymon Sulikowski – war veteran. Military celebrations, his family, and war memories.
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Associated artists
- Szymon Wawrzyniec Kaczmarek
(born January 25th 1957) Son of Włodzimierz Kaczmarek. Journalist, compere, poet, co-founder of the band Sklep z Ptasimi Piórami and the Kana theatre. In 1990-2000 he ran “Studio Bałtyk,” a morning program of Polish Radio Szczecin. Nowadays he works with Polish Radio Szczecin as a music journalist specialising in world music. He has co-operated with the Szczecin Television Centre as well. He runs a culinary column in the “Prestiż” magazine. He has not had his last word yet.
read more - Fabian Zając
Born in 1984. Has worked with TVN 24 for almost six years. Since 2007 he has been a journalist for TVP Polish Television. Works on a day-to-day basis for the local editor of the “Wokół Nas” program. For three years, he has been doing reportages for the programs “Magazyn Ekspresu Reporterów” and “Reporter Polski” on TVP 2 Polish Television. He is most keen on interventional-social topics. Awarded during the Polish Journalist Review and Competition in Gdańsk 2011 for his reportages “(NIE) jestem przestępcą” and “Na wnuczka.” Author of the best reportage during the Review and Competition in Krakow 2012 – “Zlicytowani.” In 2013 he received an honourable mention for his reportage “Policja w akcji” at the Festiwal Sztuki Faktu in Toruń. Author of the documentary film “Zbuntowane Miasto,” about the events regarding December '70 in Szczecin.
read more - Jan Kuczera
Since 1976 worked as cameraman for TVP Polish Television. Produced a lot of film material, documentaries, reportages. He was the only cameraman in all of the Eastern Bloc countries to document the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. With Włodzimierz Kaczmarek he co-created the reportage cycle: “Skarby przyrody” (“Nature's treasures”) and “Piąta pora roku” (“The Fifth Season”). They have also taken a 6-month voyage across the Bering Sea; they were making an account of the work of Polish ocean fishermen, as well as the associated dangers and hardships.
read more - Małgorzata Frymus
She is from Szczecin. Graduated from the Catholic University of Lublin and the PWSFTViT Film school in Łódź. Lecturer at the University of Szczecin. Journalist and reporter for Polish Radio Szczecin, deals mostly with culture topics. She worked with TVP Polish National Television (Szczecin branch). She made several TV programs and reportages. For years she has been working with the OFFicyna Association, the Zachęta Sztuki Współczesnej, and the Stowarzyszenie Ińskie Lato Filmowe. Celluloid Tales is her first documentary film.
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how to get there
- 12:00 - 15:00, Radio Szczecin, The Faces of Westpomeranian Cinema: Włodzimierz Kaczmarek
- 15:00, Kino Zamek, European Competition, block 6
- 17:00, Kino Zamek, European Competition, block 7
- 19:00, Kino Zamek, videoART vol. 3: The short extent of emotion, part 2
- 19:00, 13 muz, Festival of musical thrills: premiere of the biographical film "Narcyz o sobie, czyli historia Marka Kazany"
- 20:00, Kino Zamek, European Competition, block 8
- 22:00, Kino Zamek, discussion