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videoART: Stop and Motion

dokumentART 2013: 16.10.2013, Wednesday, 20:00
Loft Art, pl. Żołnierza Polskiego 5 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: videoART

curator: Gabriele Leidloff
Leidloff has chosen the emergence of mental images and their indirect representation in the media as the topic of her work. These find their equivalent in the abstract nature typical of all films and videos that remain under the umbrella of "Stop and Motion". This either due to the vague nature of what the images present, or through the editing that escapes conventional narrative. The selected fragments, different in terms of both style and theme, remain connected nonetheless by the abandoning of specific artistic elements, while retaining a level of interpretational complexity.
Ansuya Blom - Netherlands
Spell, 2012. 6' 38"
Masha Godovannaya - Russia
Gnawed Vanity - 2006-2009, 8'
Gary Hill - USA
Bathing                                              Happenstance                                         Isolation Tank
- 1977, 4' 25"                                 - 1982 - 1983, 6' 30"                          - 2010-2011, 3’ loop
Betty Leirner - Switzerland
The Testimony of Hiroshima - 1999, 1' 54"
Ricardo Mbarkho - Lebanon 
Plus que normal - 2002, 10' 18"
Bjørn Melhus - Germany 
Murphy                                                     Das Zauberglas                                 Ich weiss nicht wer das ist
- 2008, 3'45”                                        - 1991,  6'                                          - 1991, 3'
Jan Riesenbeck - Germany
6th Sense, 3rd Eye, 2nd Sight - 2012, 11' 34'' 
Liv Scharbatke, Jörg Rambaum - Germany 
Olgastraße 18 - 2011, 4'
Till Nowak - Germany
The Centrifuge Brain Project - 2011, 7'
Tseng Yu Chin - Taiwan
Shivering wall – 2012, 21' 45"


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