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SeFF Mini - Drama Workshop

Szczecin Film Festival 2022: 22.10.2022, Saturday, 10:00
Stowarzyszenie Rodzin i Przyjaciół Dzieci z Zespołem Downa ISKIERKA, Świętego Mikołaja 9/1, 71-799 Szczecin (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: SeFF Mini'22

During SeFF MINI – as in 2021 – we return to the roots of film art in terms of acting. We offer interdisciplinary theatre workshops with elements of drama and psychodrama, based on the experience of social rehabilitation theatre and performance. Participants work on their emotions, expressed through verbal and non-verbal speech. The workshop provides theoretical knowledge about the history of theatre and performance art, giving young people the tools to critically look at art, defining, describing and analysing it in terms of form, content and values. The workshops were combined with activities in the form of a theatrical etude. Workshops for children and young people from the Iskierka Association in Szczecin.

how to get there
