European Competition - block IV
Szczecin European Film Festival 2018: 28.10.2018, Sunday, 15:00
Kino Zamek, Korsarzy 34 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: European Competition '18
This year’s European Competition, which is yet again marked by the bar set very high, will feature 24 productions by filmmakers from 17 countries. The films were all finished between 2017 and 2018. The films’ diverse themes reflect the multi-layered issues of today’s world. All of the titles deserve attention. They are unique, bold in their content, and often cross the boundaries of classic documentary cinema. As always, screenings of the competition films will be followed by discussions with their authors, which is a constant element of the festival. A direct meeting between viewer and director is always an intellectually stimulating experience. The competition includes four German and French films, three productions from Poland, two from Spain, Belgium, Latvia, Austria, and the UK as well as one from Italy, and Iceland. There will also be a co-production, which includes Mexico, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Cyprus, Serbia, and China.
- Anubumin20’
On the tiny Pacific island Nauru phosphate has been mined since 1906. When phosphate extraction came to a stop in the 1980s, Nauru was bankrupt and 80 percent of the land area uninhabitable. Nauru became a prime money-laundering haven. After the disappearance of soil and money, today Nauru involves in the “disappearance of people” – housing one of Australia’s offshore refugee detention centres. Four whistleblowers describe the institutionalised human rights violations in the offshore detention.
- Lidija37’
A person's face and eyes preserve experience better than any document or recorded memoir. Particularly if a person has experienced as much as the well-known dissident Lidija Lasmane-Doroņina. Actually, she does not even think of herself as a dissident. She received her three terms in prisons and labour camps – fourteen years in all – as punishment not for underground struggle but for daring to remain true to her principles, convictions and faith. Her eyes are bright even today, at the age of 91, and they look at this world full of life.
- Sound of Vladivostok6’
The entire Russian city on the Pacific Ocean coast, Vladivostok - the “Dominant of the East,” is used as a “scene,” in more than 80 sights, with 350 musicians involved in the city's distinctive sounds - ships, cannons, Siberian tiger, underground sea currents.
- The Space Behind a Window27’50’’
Thinking about the meaning of filming something inside the context of existence. What does it mean to love someone or something. How do we hold on to it forever and ever. An explosion of nostalgia. Using family archives and own archives to try to understand patterns and reasons for filming.
- You have complete freedom to project14’
The intense friendship between Nestor Basterretxea and Jorge Oteiza brings them to Irún, Gipuzkoa. There, they buy a small piece of land on the outskirts of the city with the idea of designing and building their workshop house.
how to get there
- 11:00 - 13:00, Akademia Sztuki, SEFF MINI – Fairytale therapy vol.2
- 15:00, Kino Zamek, European Competition - block IV
- 17:30, Kino Zamek, European Competition - block V
- 20:00 - 23:00, Studio S1 Radia Szczecin , Let's Talk Film - Maria Sadowska
- 23:00, Český film, CHILLOUT ZONE - director's night with Stanley Kubrick vol.5