SEFF MINI - I go to the cinema!
Szczecin European Film Festival 2017: 25.06.2017, Sunday, 11:00
Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, pl. Żołnierza Polskiego 2 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: SEFF MINI
kids watch: I go to the cinema! - a set of short films
screenings for children 4+
Even the most extraordinary things happen in front of our eyes when we’re at the cinema. A crocodile, mouse, elephant, and frog, together with other inhabitants of the animal town cook some stone soup, a mountain peak teases a shy hill, and a little older brother receives his lesson in sharing with others. These films were presented and awarded at New York International Children's Film Festival 2017 and Angers European First Film Festival 2015. Let's go to the cinema!
Booking. Entry fee: 5 PLN
- "Min Min" D: Kaspar Astrup Schröder, DK 201226'
How wonderful it is to be an only child – you have all the toys for yourself. And your own room. And the parents are yours alone. But Storm will soon have a sibling. Does that mean he’ll have to share all of that? Unacceptable! It might take some time until he gets used to being a big brother...
- "Nový druh" D: Kateřina Karhánková, CZ 20156'
What a strange bone! It has lots of spikes and looks sort of like a comb. Maybe it used to be the remains of a multi-beaked bird? Three discoverers hypothesise about the appearance of the prehistoric creature whose bones they have found. Will they be able to establish the bone’s owner with the help of a scientist?
- "Some Thing" D: Elena Walf, DE 20156'
Everyone carries something within. For instance, some huge mountains, apart from just being huge, are also filled with boiling lava, gold, or other wondrous things. They are stunning, enormous, and menacing. And impolite – they keep teasing the hill sitting just beside them. Will the inconspicuous little knoll flourish?
- "La Soupe au caillou" D: Clementine Robach, BE 20157'
For tonight’s supper we will be having the perfect delicacy – stone soup. What we need: a pot, stones, and a whole lot of water. How can that fill a belly? Well, it can’t. Perhaps everyone should bring whatever they can find at the bottom of their pantries? It’s time for a grand feast together.
how to get there
- 11:00, Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, SEFF MINI - I go to the cinema!
- 13:00, Studio S1 Radia Szczecin , Let's Talk Film - Agata Kulesza
- 13:30, Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, SEFF MINI - Different corners of the world!
- 21:00, Český film, ...