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Let’s Talk Film – Sławomir Idziak & Cinebus

Szczecin European Film Festival 2016: 22.10.2016, Saturday, 12:00
INKU Inkubator Sektorów Kreatywnych, al. Wojska Polskiego 90 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: Let’s Talk Film – Sławomir Idziak & Cinebus

A meeting with the legendary Sławomir Idziak in the first Mobile Centre of Audiovisual Education in Poland. What is the condition of cinema today, what challenges and new directions of development the art of film is currently facing – this is what we are going to find out during the discussion with the author of cinematography to Ridley Scott's “Black Hawk Down,” among other films.

Admission free

Associated artists

how to get there
