West Pomerania Shorts ‘16 Final
Szczecin European Film Festival 2016: 16.10.2016, Sunday, 19:00
Český film, al. Jana Pawła II 3-4 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: West Pomerania Shorts '16 Final
The sixth edition of the competition for short films from West Pomerania is drawing to a close. In the final there are 12 films, including documentaries, music videos, making-of videos, as well as a wildlife film. The main prize for the competition winner, a year-long free licence for the Media Composer software, was funded by the AVID Poland company. The winner will be chosen on the basis of votes by the audience and the jury members – Marek Fiałek.
Admission free
- BASTA 2015!3'32”
Production: PL 2016
A film that sums up the activity of BASTA! The Szczecin Initiative for Animals in 2015. BASTA! was formed in 2011 in Szczecin. It focuses on the fight for animal rights and promotes a lifestyle free from cruelty towards other beings.
- Run, Run30'
Production: PL 2015
Can one successfully combine education with upbringing? Can creative work help overcome cultural, social, and linguistic barriers? Isn’t a creative approach to resocialisation a utopia? Can one prepare a play and shoot a documentary film in seven days? You will see for yourself by giving “Run, Run” thirty minutes of your precious time.
- Fabryka talentów2'15”
Production: PL 2014/2015
“Fabryka talentów” references a film by the Lumière brothers. The camera follows six-year-olds from their first day in school for two years. Who is a young person in the first ever factory of their life, and what do they dream of?
- Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel7'
Production: AT 2015
To separate imagination from reality is, in the case of Gretchen, who is brooding over her love for Faust, nearly impossible. The girl's feelings keep going to and fro between passion and panicked despair. What we see in the foreground, therefore, is the basic principle that connects slowing down and accelerating – one upon which Franz Schubert’s ingenious composition “Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel” has been created.
- Hold on to Me: a Short Film4'01”
Production: PL 2016
Two friends go to the lake to spend one last day together. After that they have to bid farewell. “Hold on to Me” is the 21st project by amateur film company Filmotwór Niezależny.
- End of Sleeping9'
Production: PL 2016
“End of Sleeping” is a tongue-in-cheek film impression which depicts the relationship between insects living on a mock-orange bush. The film's cinematography has been done outdoors, without disturbing the insects' natural environment.
- Krótka Historia Pewnego Kufra6'14”
Production: PL 2015
Szczecin, Main Station. The train arrives on time. A man carrying a trunk steps off. The Esplanade, the Ritz, the Savoy... The list of the trunk’s past goes on and on – where will it lead its owner?
- Making of DreaMa4'42”
Production: PL 2016
“Making of DreaMa” is a video created for the purpose of a crowdfunding campaign by the band Ma. It shows how their first album, “DreaMa,” came to be.
- March11'
Production: PL 2015
A documentary short about a Szczecin nationalist who led the 2014 Warsaw March of Independence, which involved the most serious riots in the event's history. A documentary short about a Szczecin nationalist and the 2014 Warsaw March of Independence that he lead, and which witnessed the most serious riots in the event's history. The protagonist is head of his division of Młodzież Wszechpolska Szczecin, which formed the 23rd Guard Platoon of the March of Independence and was positioned in the front lines. A short film about an individual losing their voice in the crowd.
- Nie tak bardzo nad morzem4'57”
Production: PL 2015
The Kępisty Quarter vocalist, enchanted by Prague, came up with a music video with dolls. Her elder sister, a vibraphone player, joined in. Director Szymon Nygard took the challenge. As freshly as a newcomer he went on to discover more and more of the unruly, chimerical Szczecin – “the most important dot on my world map.”
- Recydywista17'13”
Production: Pl 2016
A documentary narrated by a person from the so-called underclass. The protagonist tells his life story, which includes a period at an orphanage, at a juvenile detention centre, and at a correctional facility. The film is about the life of someone uncertain of their tomorrow, lacking faith in the possibility of improvement.
Associated artists
- Damian Romaniak
Film and literature expert, PhD in humanities, animator of film culture, film critic, columnist, lecturer. In Szczecin he has hosted the “Kino Konesera” series at the Helios multiplex, has also run the “Cyklino” Academic Film Club; author of articles on film and literature. Co-editor and co-author of the „Język, literatura i kultura – razem czy osobno?” academic volume. He cooperates with the literary-cultural “eleWator” quarterly magazine, Onet.Film and with the Horror Online website. Currently co-host of the Konfrontacje film society at the Academy of Art in Szczecin.
read more - Marek Fiałek
German studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In 1995 moved to Germany for one semester and has been living there ever since. He defended his MA paper on Master Eckhart and his PhD dissertation on the Berlin bohemia of the late 19th century. After staying in Hanover, Potsdam, Berlin, and Bamberf, he settled in Pomerania, his home region. Co-organiser of the polenmARkT festival and of Ukrainicum and Polonicum summer schools, lecturer of Polish language at the Greifswald University, coordinator of the project “Język polski od przedszkola do matury” (“Polish language from kindergarten to the matura exam”) in German schools on the borderland, author of German research papers on Berlin bohemia, Stanisław Przybyszewski, and Alfred Mombert, a forgotten German poet of Jewish descent, among other works.
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how to get there
- 19:00 - 21:00, Český film, West Pomerania Shorts ‘16 Final
- 21:00, Český film, Untrue Stories? vol. 1