Sunday Chillout with Arek Zawiliński
Szczecin European Film Festival 2015: 25.10.2015, Sunday, 21:00
Kana's Cellar, Plac Piotra i Pawła 4/5 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: Sunday Chillout with Arek Zawiliński
Sunday night will belong to Arek Zawiliński, a man of the road, a Polish Johnny Cash. On the crossroads he won a music duel for his soul with the devil. Come and listen to how that went down.
Admission free
Associated artists
- Arkadiusz Zawiliński
Arkadiusz Zawiliński – performer (folk/blues), music and text author, singer, guitarist using fingerpicking slide and bottleneck techniques. He performed at festivals in Poland, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and he played in the streets of Amsterdam. Awarded at many festivals, including FAMA in Świnoujście, the Student Song Festival in Cracow, Zaczarowany Świat Harmonijki (guitar category) in Poznań. Piosenkarnia – Cracow, a performance at Muzyczne Studio Polskiego Radia im. Agnieszki Osieckiej, etc. Cooperated, among others, with groups such as Stare Dobre Małżeństwo, Ostatnia Wieczerza w Karczmie Przeznaczonej do Rozbiórki, Kropla Życia, Zabrzańska Orkiestra Rockowa, BGB, and with a singing actor Lech Dyblik. Creator of the Na Drodze formation. So far he has released three albums: “Tam gdzie zaczyna się mój świat,” “Blues Dziewięciu,” “Żelazna,” and in October his next album “Na rozdrożu” will see the light of day.
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how to get there
- 12:00 - 14:30, Akademia Sztuki, Vipassana: to see things the way they are – Tomasz Raczek
- 15:00 - 17:00, Akademia Sztuki, Polish Competition: Block 1
- 17:30 - 19:30, Akademia Sztuki, Polish Competition: Block 2
- 20:00 - 22:00, Akademia Sztuki, European Competition: Block 6
- 21:00 - 23:00, Kana's Cellar, Sunday Chillout with Arek Zawiliński
- 21:00 - 01:00, Český film, Chillout Zone: Famous people – True stories in film