Olga Lucovnicova

Olga Lucovnicova is a director, cinematographer, editor, photographer, and cross-cultural trainer. At age of 16 Olga got her first camera and started her journey into cinematography. Currently she is completing her master's degree in cinematography at the Academy of Arts. This year she took first place and a trophy for her film “Nu am, moarte, cu tine nimic...” at the IDFF Cronograf. She was responsible for cinematography in “Ecouri” (2015), “Seminte, pamant si... Cafea” (2015), “Social Media” (2015), “Night of Arts” (2014), and “Soliditudine” (2013).

Speranta (2016)
Nu am, moarte, cu tine nimic... (2016)
One Day (2016)
Mai mult decit jucarie (2013) 
Ulciorul (2014)
Bunica (2013)
Conflictul (2012)
