David Anthony Sant

Born in 1968, Sydney, Australia. Since December 2000 I have chosen to work entirely in digital video. After many years of creating two-dimensional imagery the rapid advances in affordable digital technology allowed me to experiment with the creation of moving imagery. My film making achievements are recognised within a significant number of Australian, British, American and European film making collectives who regularly screen and showcase my work. The films I have directed and produced combine experimental visuals with experimental sound. A subject that re-occurs in many of my films is the experience of location and space. These films are often films about space and spaciousness as experienced within urban environments. Every film I create is an attempt to explore the visual language of the moving image. My approach to film making can best be described as extemporaneous film making.
- Fractured3' 04''
FracturedProduction: 2013
Decisions about what to film within the confines of the specific parameters of the camera frame were determined as much by the decision to avoid filming what lay outside the periphery of that frame. This film explores and reworks perceptions of urban peculiarities found in an Inner Western Sydney landscape through ever shifting camera movements and unconventional editing techniques. Human artifacts in this landscape include such peculiarities as the desolate rooftops of multistorey car parks, street signage, telegraph poles, power lines, empty construction sites and shop front awnings. The re-working is a fractured spatio-temporal continuity that pursues, in the visual and auditory realm, a new mode of expression that seeks to expand cinematic thought.
- Driven4' 15''
DrivenProduction: 2013
Sydney’s round-the-clock urban thoroughfare. Australia’s first inner-city highway. A twenty three kilometre stretch of tarmac and concrete lined with motor industry retailing and servicing that professes in no uncertain terms the sovereignty of the motor car. Exposed as a tangle of pollution, noise and drudgery in daylight, but at night transformed into an erratic landscape where darkness is punctured with floodlights and fleeting headlights.
- Flipside3' 32''
FlipsideProduction: 2014
This film employs a succession of moving images from similar and dissimilar locations. The resulting project seeks to extract from these locations images of confinement, life, disorder, order, the bleak and the stifling, and then unify the moving imagery through the utilisation of scale, movement and direction.